✅ Overview Results of the 6-month Marketing Campaign

Link to the table - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BuOr4bQQ9NvxAi7AYTdoGDUr_dBCOV00rL12IuKCsHE/edit?usp=drive_link
♟️Brief Strategy
- Engagement with Tier-1 Twitter & TG Influencers: We plan to continue our strategy of integrating with top-tier Twitter & TG influencers.
- Engagement with Tier-1 YouTube Influencers: We plan to continue our strategy of integrating with top-tier YouTube influencers.
- Expansion Campaign: The campaign is focused on educating and engaging new users within the HydraChain ecosystem through the Intract.io platform. Leveraging Intract.io's interactive features, users can complete tasks such as installing a wallet and learning about blockchain. This approach, proven in previous campaigns, effectively attracts new users to the ecosystem by providing an engaging and hands-on learning experience.
- Traffic Campaign on Telegram Ads: Launching targeted ads in popular crypto Telegram communities to attract new followers to Hydra Telegram group.
This strategy aims to expand our user base further and strengthen HydraChain's presence in the market.
#️⃣ Twitter & Telegram Influencers Campaign (results overview)
💡 Our task was to integrate tweets about the Hydra token and HydraChain as natively as possible while making the message appealing enough to encourage users to join immediately. Moreover, we aimed to present the token in a way that would generate interest in purchasing it. Additionally, almost all influencers have become followers of the Hydra Chain Twitter to increase credibility and Twitter score.

💸 Total Budget: $9800
📹 YouTube Influencers Campaign (results overview)
💡 We aimed to seamlessly incorporate mentions of the Hydra token and HydraChain into YouTube content, ensuring the message was compelling enough to drive immediate user engagement. We aimed to showcase the token in a way that piqued viewers' interest in buying it.